Admissions to Additional Resource Provision (ARP)

Admission Procedure to Wimbledon Chase Primary School Speech Language and Communication Needs Additionally Resourced Provision. (SLCN ARP)

Admission Procedure:

 Children are admitted to the ARP through application to London Borough of Merton SEN Decision Making Group/Panel. All applications for the SLCN ARP are for children who have existing Education Health Care Plans or who are in the process of being assessed for an Education Health Care Plan (See Merton website for SEND Local offer on the Merton website or email

Formal application is not made directly to Wimbledon Chase School SLCN ARP by Local Authorities or parents.

Wimbledon Chase SLCN ARP is not for children with a primary or significant need of ASD. (See Merton Local Offer for children with ASD)

An application is made to the Merton SEND Team at Merton Civic Centre.

  • This can be part of the initial assessment for a proposed EHCP.
  •  A request following a joint decision taken at a school interim or annual review that a change of place would be in the child’s best interests. 
  • Recent professional assessment which identifies a SLCN ARP as a suitable placement for a child’s needs.
  • Parental request for change of placement.
  • Applications from neighbouring boroughs must also follow this procedure but in these cases the application must be made via  borough-to-borough,  request from the L.A. in which the child is resident to Merton L.A.

A request for admittance to the SLCN ARP will be discussed at the SEN Decision Making Panel  at Crown House, Merton Civic Centre.

  • If agreed as a potential SLCN ARP pupil at the main Decision Making Panel (DMP), the child’s paperwork will then be submitted by a Senior Case Officer to the specific Speech Language and Communication Needs Decision making panel.  This monthly panel involves Wimbledon Chase ARP staff, a member of the Senior Leadership Team, a Speech Therapist, an Educational Psychologist and Merton Senior Case Officer. The paperwork submitted to the SLCN DMP usually includes a recent Speech and Language Assessment or report, an Educational Psychologist report and EHCP.
  • Consideration at panel is made to ensure that a child’s attendance will not impact on the efficient education of the current cohort of children. 
  • Consideration is made to the current numbers in each SLCN ARP Year group.
  • A review of the paperwork submitted is made to ensure that professionals involved in the assessment of a child’s needs agree that a SLCN ARP will meet the child’s current needs.

If agreed that a child fits the criteria and would possibly benefit from the educational provision at Wimbledon Chase SLCN ARP, a visit to observe the child in their current setting or an opportunity for the child to come to the SLCN ARP for a short visit will be arranged

If following observation or visits it is agreed that the child fits the profile and can be accommodated within the current cohort The Inclusion Team at WCPS will contact the relevant Senior Case Officer and SENDist team manager.

A place will be offered via the designated Senior Case Officer and if parents agree Wimbledon Chase SLCN ARP will be named in the EHCP in section I.

Any Additional individual banded funding is allocated by Merton following consultation if additional needs have been identified as requiring adult support eg for a physical disability.

Any request for transport will be dealt with separately by Merton SEND Team and SEND transport.

Contacting the SLCN ARP

We always welcome enquiries and visits from parents and children; appointments for a visit should be made through the school office: Telephone: 020 8542 1413.

If parents require additional independent support for an application to the SLCN ARP or for any aspect of the Education Health Care Plan process they can contact:

Merton Special Educational Needs Information, Advice and Support Service (MIASS)   Telephone 020 8543 8854

Additional advice can be seen on Merton web site – Family Directory and Merton SEND Local offer