Sports Premium

The Impact of Sports Premium at Wimbledon Chase Primary School

WCPS Sports Premium Funding PE Development Plan & Review 2022/2023

Physical Education plays a very important part in the life of Wimbledon Chase Primary School and at least two hour long sessions per week are dedicated to physical activity in the curriculum. The children also get significant exercise throughout the day during playtimes and lunchtimes. We believe that P.E. contributes to the holistic development of children and instils key values such as teamwork, fair play, respect for themselves and others, as well as maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.

We are committed to using the Sports Premium additional funding to support high quality PE lessons, alongside giving greater opportunity for sporting activities for all the children in our school.

The continued membership of the Merton School Sport Partnership (MSSP) allows the school to provide the opportunity for children to experience competitive sports at Cluster, Borough and London wide level. The lunchtime clubs run by the Sports Specialist and the after school clubs run by MSSP prepare our children to compete in the competitions run by the MSSP as well as enjoy a variety of sports.  This gives our children more confidence and ability to compete against other schools, and to improve their own standard of sporting ability. Our PE lessons are also supported by MSSP, who deliver three days of PE lessons each week.

Our ‘Daily Mile’ course, used by all classes across the school, has given the opportunity to a larger number of less active children to enjoy physical activity.

The outdoor facilities at our school are a valuable resource to our school community, which we have maximised by allowing the MSSP to use our facilities for Cluster tournaments whenever possible. We have maintained our cricket pitch in good order so that we can provide quality coaching and practice facilities for children at our school and to the wider community by allowing local cricket clubs to use the facilities at weekends. Our outdoor football facilities are also fully utilised by the local community as we continue to host and expand children’s football in partnership with Dundonald Utd. We also invite local schools to use our facilities for their own sports days.

We continue to audit staff and identify areas of need for CPD.  Staff historically attend CPD offered by the MSSP and this has led continuing improvement in the quality of observed PE lessons.

Once signed off by governors our Sports Premium plan for 2023/24 will be shared here.