School Meals


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Caterlink Primary Welcome Poster

Why Choose A Caterlink School Meal

Caterlink – Allergy and Intolerance Form


Caterlink does not knowingly use nuts in the preparation of freshly made dishes made in our kitchens in primary and secondary schools. Within our primary schools we put into place a lot of processes:

  • We work with suppliers to ensure nothing which contains nuts is on our buying list
  • We agree alternative products with the supplier so that if a product is out of stock, the alternative also does not contain nuts
  • We train all staff that if an alternative product is sent into site that contains nuts, that they should send it back to the supplier and not accept the delivery
  • If a child has a nut allergy, we keep all information as we would with any allergy and ensure that they are not served food containing their allergen

We do not have a specific nut policy. Our approach is the same as the one advocated by Anaphylaxis UK towards nut bans/nut free schools. Anaphylaxis UK state "We would not necessarily support a blanket ban on any particular allergen in any establishment, including in schools. This is because nuts are only one of many allergens that could affect pupils, and no school could guarantee a truly allergen free environment for a child living with food allergy. They advocate instead for schools to adopt a culture of allergy awareness and education. A 'whole school awareness of allergies' is a much better approach, as it ensures teachers, pupils and all other staff are aware of what allergies are, the importance of avoiding the pupils’ allergens, the signs & symptoms, how to deal with allergic reactions and to ensure policies and procedures are in place to minimise risk."

If you choose to provide a packed lunch please be aware that we like to promote ‘healthy eating‘ and ask that fizzy drinks, sweets, crisps and biscuits are not included in pupil’s lunch boxes.

If your child has any specific dietary requirements you will need to complete a ‘special diet request form’ and provide medical evidence in order for the caterers to provide a bespoke menu.

It would also be very helpful if fruit that is difficult to peel i.e. an orange is already peeled for your child and if you could help your child learn how to open their lunchbox, yoghurt pots and other containers. Please name all lunch boxes and water bottles.


We are a nut free school because we have several pupils who have severe, life-threatening allergies to nuts that require emergency medical treatment. Please can you help us to protect these children by being vigilant when providing your child with packed lunch and when bringing any foods such as snacks and birthday cakes.


Pupils in Nursery and Reception are part of the Governments fruit and milk scheme and will be offered this daily.

Fruit continues to be offered to Years 1 and 2.

Older pupils are able to bring a healthy snack from home to have at break time. The snack should be kept in their school bag and not in packed lunch boxes as these are only accessible at lunchtimes.

All pupils are encouraged to bring a drink of water in a plastic bottle with a sports lid for use during the day.

Free School Meals

Free school meals can save parents hundreds of pounds a year. They will also help raise money for the school because of the Pupil Premium, a government commitment to pay schools around £1300 a year for each pupil who is currently registered as entitled to free school meals or has been within the last 6 years. This is money the school can benefit from to support your child’s progress and achievement by, for example, funding new equipment, curriculum trips and visits and supporting children’s learning.

Read more about pupil premium and free school meals here.

You can complete an online application using the form below

Online Application

Or if you aren't able to complete an online application you can collect or print a copy of the application form which is available here.

Please return the form to the school office.